Saturday, January 27, 2007

Illustration Fridays: Red

In addition to being my favorite, I believe that the color red holds a lot of emotion, maybe moreso than any of the other colors. It is a symbol of power, passion, love, determination and strength.

Oh yeah, and blood, blood, blood.

10 points for me because I did not sketch and scan before making this in illustrator.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Illustration Fridays: Super Hero

The scar on his left eye makes me giggle and think of villains from Kim Possible, Xiaolin Showdown, Avatar....

Ah, left eye scars, you amuse me so.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Me, Binh, and Pokemon

This is a picture of my friend and I (she is holding an umbrella, I have a jigglypuff hugging my leg) with assorted random pokemon. It is a thank you note for my friend, who got me pokemon figurines for christmas, which I love immensely.
I refuse to grow up.

Illustration Fridays: Buzz

She hoped the bees would accept her as one of their own.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Illustration Fridays: Pheonix